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The Security Benefits of Keyless Entry

Protecting your business and employees is a top priority for any business owner. One way to keep your business secure is to employ keyless locks. Keyless locks, which can consist of fobs, swipe-able ID cards or numerical keypads, are more secure than traditional keys for a variety of reasons.

  1. Track entry
    Personalized fobs and swipe-able ID cards make it easy for you to see who is entering or exiting and when. If you find that cash or inventory is mysteriously vanishing you can easily see who entered and exited the building, and when. Paired with security cameras this makes it easy to combat unauthorized entry and employee theft.

  2. Track access
    Numerical pad, which allows authorized personnel to unlock the door by entering the correct code, eliminates the risk of keys getting lost or stolen. This also helps you ensure that former employees do not retain access to the premises. Instead of having to deal with the costly hassle of replacing locks you can simply reprogram the entry code and let your current employees and other people who are authorized to access the building know the new code.

  3. More convenient
    Keyless locks also offer convenience. If you need to temporarily grant building access to someone like a repair person or janitor you can easily tell them the code to the numerical locking pad instead of giving them a key or asking an employee to wait around to let them in. Once the janitor or repair person has completed their work you can easily change the code so that they cannot re-access the building.

  4. More secure
    Keyless entry systems are much more difficult than traditional locks to compromise. Burglars and thieves that are well versed in compromising traditional lock and key locks are often ill prepared when confronted with keyless entry locks. Keyless entry systems are also isolated from the main grid, so that they will continue to work even if there is a power outage, so you know your business and employees are safe and sound.

For more information on keyless locking systems, or to request a quote, contact Frontline Security today at 403.291.9311 and visit

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