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Summer is a Hot Season for Burglaries: Tips To Keep Your Home Safe

With summer finally here many of us take time off to visit family, spend time at the cabin or just enjoy the beautiful weather. Although they are usually the months with the best weather, July and August are also typically the peak months for home break-ins and burglaries. In order to have peace of mind while you’re away, it’s important to ensure your Calgary home security is at its best. In addition to securing your home from break-ins, it’s also important to think about mechanical issues that could cause damage to your home and belongings while you’re away. Here are a few things to keep in mind:

  • Unplug your appliances: Turn off or disconnect both large and small appliances
  • Disconnect your computer: Particularly if your computer has personal information, turn it off and disconnect it from the Internet.
  • Turn off the breakers: Mostly anything other than your Calgary Security Systems, heating systems and outdoor lighting can have their electrical circuit breakers turned off. This will help reduce the risk of electrical fires.
  • Don’t air your absence: Don’t post on social media that you’ll be away – this can easily tip off burglars. It’s also a good idea to keep your normal answering machine message and not change it to something that states you’re away. 
  • Lock up your home: Make sure all of your doors and windows are closed and locked before you leave.
  • Set your alarm: Activate your Calgary Alarm Automation and Calgary Alarm Monitors.

If you have any questions about securing your home or business while you’re away, don’t hesitate to contact us at Frontline Security!

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You’ve worked hard to build your business or buy your home. Now it’s time to protect them properly and give yourself the peace of mind you deserve. Our full-service security solutions can give whatever matters most to you the 360° protection it needs. Contact us today by calling (403) 291-9311 or by filling out the form below and put us on your frontline.

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