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Is My Home Security System Free?

We recently came across a situation with a Home Security client in Calgary that I believe warranted a blog post.

So this individual found us on Google and perused our website before requesting a contact.  One of the things that appealed to her was our NO CONTRACT offer.

One of the reasons we extend this courtesy to clients, is because we want them to stay with us due to a GREAT first impression and continued "honeymoon" level service throughout the course of our relationship.

Earlier this year, we syndicated a consumer survey through StyleLabs and found that over 40 percent of Calgary Home Alarm customers on contract had rapidly declining satisfaction levels with their providers.  We're not in the dissatisfaction business.  Our model requires us to stay accountable throughout the course of our relationship.  Every single day.

This new client was excited about moving forward with us.  Ultimate accountability is hard to turn down.  As we processed the paperwork, her only point of contention was that she was responsible for the cost of the hardware and installation.  She indicated that many of our competitors were offering free or discounted systems and wanted to know why she was not offered the same courtesy.

Alarm systems work exactly like cell phone plans.


In the above example, you would pay TELUS $99.00 if you signed up or extended your contract for two years. The actual price of that device (if you don’t sign a contract) is $719.00. At point of purchase, you pay the $99.00 (plus an activation fee) and then the "device balance" (the total cost of the device) is spread out over the course of your contract. That way you end up paying the full $719.00 over the course of your contract, and if you want to break from your contract you are obligated to pay off the rest of your device before you leave.

Our business model is fairly similar, and we offer both contract and no contract agreements. If you choose to go with a no contract agreement we charge you the retail price for the hardware upfront, and then a competitive monthly monitoring rate after that. If you purchase your home security system through an agreement with a contract you receive the hardware with no upfront fees, but we charge your the retail price plus 10% over the course of your 3-4 year contract plus our competitive monthly monitoring rate. You do not receive a "free" system under either contract, you simply pay for the system upfront or in installments.

By offering you the choice of a contract agreement or a no contract agreement you can choose the plan that works best for you.

Got questions? Give us a call at 403-291-9311


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You’ve worked hard to build your business or buy your home. Now it’s time to protect them properly and give yourself the peace of mind you deserve. Our full-service security solutions can give whatever matters most to you the 360° protection it needs. Contact us today by calling (403) 291-9311 or by filling out the form below and put us on your frontline.

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