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4 Tips on Keeping Your Business Safe During The Summer Holidays

The summer holidays are fast approaching and with that comes long weekends that may leave your office empty for significant periods of time. Here are 5 of the top business security tips to keep your office safe from theft this warm season.

Whatever company you own, as a business owner you have the important responsibility of ensuring that all your employees, assets, and office spaces are kept safe and secure all year round. One of the best ways to do this is to invest in a high-quality business security system. This can have many benefits.

  • It serves as a deterrent for potential criminals and thieves.
  • All suspicious activities will be reported and handled quickly.
  • The peace of mind of your employees will improve, enhancing their productivity.
  • Your office equipment and any private confidential information you may have will be protected.

Business Security Systems


4 Practical Ways to Keep Your Business Safe This Summer

The summer holidays are fast approaching and with that comes long weekends and bank holidays, where many offices will be empty and unattended for long periods of time. This provides potential burglars with the opportunity to steal your equipment, stock, or cause hundreds of dollars worth of damage.

Keeping your business safe should be a top priority this season so here are the top 4 business security tips to keep your office safe during the summer:

1. Enhance Your Business Security System

Before summer is upon us, it’s important to consider the security measures you already have in place in your business and whether or not these could be improved. Some of the products you may want to invest in include:

  • CCTV/IP Cameras both inside and outside your building
  • an alarm system
  • access control system
  • interactive control to keep control of your company’s security at your fingertips

Something to Think About

If you have particularly important and expensive equipment on site, a good option would be to enlist a business security guard to monitor your premises while people are away, especially at night as this is when the majority of crime occurs.

Benefits Of Hiring A Professional Guard


2. Move Any Expensive Equipment

Any expensive equipment such as laptops left on desks can be all the motivation someone needs to break into your office, so make sure all your employers put their equipment away in their desks after work and move any other enticing products as far from the windows as possible.

TIP: If you’re on the ground floor, you may want to consider investing in blinds or curtains to deter thieves from peeking through. Though it may seem simple, remember most crime is committed by opportunists so don’t provide the temptation!


3. Build Strong Fences

Go back to business security basics and think about what surrounds your office; do you have protective fences and gates that can be locked when the office is empty? If your space will be empty at any point during the summer, then outside security should be high on your priority list.

TIP:  If you already have security fencing, it’s worth spending a little time checking for weak spots as this could mean the difference between safety and a break in.


4. Train Your Staff

It’s everyone’s job to help with security so remember to get all your employees involved in keeping the office safe. To do so you must:

  • implement and enforce strict security measures and policies
  • encourage your employees to lock up after themselves when they’re leaving.
  • have regular meetings with your staff about any business security updates or simply to refresh your policies.
  • know exactly which staff have keys or access to your office.

Remember: Regular gatherings that remind staff to stay vigilant in addressing security threats will work to make sure that everyone feels responsible for office safety, which is why they’re so important.

4 Business Security Systems You Need


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Affordable and Customisable Business Security Systems in Calgary

Frontline is a leading security company in Calgary. We provide affordable and state of the art home and business security systems to help all Calgarians fulfill their unique needs and requirements. Whatever your type of business, we have the solution to help you keep it, and your employers, safe from harm.

To find out more about our customised business security systems, including IP cameras and security guards, contact our Calgary office today at 403-291-9311 or use our online contact form.

Get the Peace of Mind You Deserve

You’ve worked hard to build your business or buy your home. Now it’s time to protect them properly and give yourself the peace of mind you deserve. Our full-service security solutions can give whatever matters most to you the 360° protection it needs. Contact us today by calling (403) 291-9311 or by filling out the form below and put us on your frontline.

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